Thursday, September 15, 2011


I am a little rusty when it comes to blogging, it's been some years since I've kept a blog up.  After following several spanking blogs lately, I decided I wanted to start one.  Mostly for myself, to get my thoughts and feelings out, and in particular certain ones I cannot share with my direct friends and/or family.

My name is Alissa, or Liss for short.  I'm 26 and engaged to a wonderful man.  We've been together for 6 years.  Our relationship is usually pretty great.  Of course it has its ups and downs but here's the catch:  he's vanilla and I'm a huge spanko.  Yeah, I know, common story in this world.

A lot of people ask me or might even be thinking, "Why are you engaged to a vanilla man?"  Well, I only fully realized what I was and that it was something I absolutely needed 4 years into the relationship.  I told my fiance roughly about two years ago that I need to be spanked, it was a huge part of my life, and it wasn't going to go away so try to embrace it.

He has accepted it pretty well and has made efforts to learn as much as he can about it.  Now, of course not everything is perfect, he is not a natural spanko, so of course having to tell him everything I want/need kind of takes the natural feelings out of it, but practice makes perfect right?  In some occasions.  I have no doubt our relationship is going to be a bumpy ride but we love each other. That is basically what it boils down to.  He is willing to do this for me and that alone means the world to me.

So this is my beginning.  More to come!



  1. Hi, Liss, and welcome to the neighborhood!

    Best wishes with your new blog and with adding a little chocolate sauce to your vanilla relationship.


  2. Hi Liss,

    It's great that your fiance is willing to give you what you need. He may even come to enjoy it!

    Welcome and hugs,

  3. Liss hello and welcome.

    Look forward to stopping by again.


  4. Hello Liss!! Welcome!! Yes.. your story is very typical... it's so good that he is willing to do that for you!

    See you around!

  5. Liss, welcome to blog land! I'm from New England also and my story is pretty similar to yours :) I'm looking forward to reading more from you!

  6. Lovely to find my way to such a promising-sounding new blog... Looking forward to reading more!
